Custom API Development

CICI Solutions - Custom API Development

Table of Contents

What is an API

An API or Application Programming Interface is a set of definitions and protocols that allow different programs to communicate through exchanging data and instructions.

When do I need an API

There are three leading causes for which you may need to integrate an API or have one custom developed for your needs.

Let’s take a look at the three most common use cases through examples:

  1. You have a website where you talk about travel and recommend itineraries and cities to visit during the vacations to your readers:
    You’d like to give users the ability to book flights, hotels, or entire travel packages directly from your site, and to do this would be great to use the services of an App like BOOKING.

    How can you do this?

    The solution is to integrate the communication API provided directly by BOOKING.

  2. You have a company that uses accounting software and a CRM that does not communicate with each other:
    Using an API would allow the accounting software and the CRM to exchange information so that the data is always up-to-date, simplifying standard business procedures and saving time.

    Taking the example into account: every time you use your accounting software to record a sales invoice for a client, the data is also synchronized in CRM.
    On the contrary, every time you update something in CRM (such as a phone number, email, address, etc.), the change is automatically synchronized in the accounting software.


    How can you do?
    • The first possible solution is to use existing systems such as ZAPIER, INTEGROMAT or INTEGRATELY.
      The only disadvantage of these systems is that the communication between the software may not always be in real-time.
    • The second solution is to have a custom API developed.
      We recommend this option when the volume of communication between the software is high or when you want to ensure that the business software always communicates in real-time and is constantly synchronized.
  1. You have developed an App: You want other App owners to be able to integrate your services with their systems.


    How can you do this?


    The solution is to develop an internal API that can accept third-party requests and return results.

Why is it essential to take full advantage of APIs

Companies can no longer look at APIs as a mere IT product but should consider them a real business tool.
APIs are a strategic lever for companies that want to participate in digital transformation.

Two practical examples of impeccable use of APIs are:

  • The recent collaborative model of open banking.
  • A significant reality like IKEA that can communicate, in a simple way, to customers where the nearest store is or even if a product is present in a specific store and the number of pieces available.

What are the business benefits of using APIs or consider a custom API development

The proper use or the custom development of APIs can bring many business benefits such as:

  • Emerging among competitors, 
  • Improving the customer experience,
  • Reducing IT-related costs,
  • Speed and innovation in the definition of services and applications,
  • Make your information accessible in a scalable way,
  • Extend or improve the functionality of the software by drawing on resources from other systems.

Below there is a list of the most used third-party APIs

We’ve created a list of the most currently used APIs on the market: we have used a few for our customers.

    It is a must for any mobile navigation or geolocation App as it shows the map and directions, so your App users don’t get lost.
    The social network API integration we use most often for our projects allows you to authorize new App users via their existing Facebook profile; therefore, users avoid filling out lengthy registry forms.
    It could be helpful if you want to create a travel App and provide users with flight searches, ticket prices, and real-time quotes from ticket agencies.
    Adds information to your Apps such as accommodation queries, services, prices, and other information from hotels worldwide.
    With recipes, food and nutrition are a must-have for diet and fitness Apps as it includes over 365,000 recipes and 86,000 food products.
    In addition, your App users can calculate the number of calories in each meal, convert ingredients, find recipes to suit special diets, and so on.
    This API works excellent if you consider developing an on-demand video streaming platform like NETFLIX. Such API provides access to movie titles, IMDB rating, duration, release date, awards, plot, and many other data for each title.
    Allows your App users to hail an UBER cab through your App, pay for an in-app trip, and leave reviews.

How can we help you with APIs

  • Define together what are your needs
  • Understand which is the most suitable solution for your needs
  • Develop your custom API or help you integrate third-party APIs.

Contact Us

Do you need some additional information or want to start a project with us?
Please send us an inquiry​

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