Native App Development

CiCi Solutions - Native App Development

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How to implement performance and advanced features

Although cross-platform Apps now have beautiful performance and features, sometimes, you need to consider building a Native App.

What is a Native App

A Native App is an application built using the Native Programming Language of the device for which it was designed.
In practice, if you need to develop an iOS App, you’ll have to use programming languages such as SWIFT, X-CODE, and OBJECTIVE-C.
On the other hand, if you need to develop an Android App, you’ll use JAVA and KOTLIN.

Why a Native App

Being written in the Native Language, these Apps will exploit all the potential and all the device’s functions on which they will be installed.
In this way, the performances are excellent with all the devices that use the same programming language.

When to create a Native App

Let’s suppose that you want to create an App that requires high-performance functions such as augmented reality, streaming, multimedia content, complex animations, interactive games, etc.

In this case, the best solution is to evaluate the creation of a Native App that allows you to delegate all these features to the device and then have an optimal user experience.

Native Functionalities

Let’s see now in more detail some examples of Native Features that you may need in your App divided into categories.

Multimedia streaming

  • Live video sharing
  • In-App payments
  • Local storage


  • Search engine
  • Push notifications
  • Payment gateway


  • Synchronized with wearable devices (BlueTooth)
  • Geolocation
  • Pedometer


  • GPS integration (beacons, location services)
  • Real-time access to USDA-NRCS
  • Field condition monitoring


  • Android-based POS system, MSR (LRC, F2F, EMV standard), or all-in-one software solution.
  • Encryption


  • Camera access to scan barcodes (EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, QR)
  • Connection to warehouse management software

Car Sharing

  • Maps API
  • Payment gateway
  • Integration of in-app calling functionality

Health care

  • Synchronization with wearable devices (BlueTooth)
  • Geolocation
  • Emergency call


  • Augmented Reality
  • Pencil
  • Live video sharing
  • Local storage

Advantages and disadvantages of Native Apps

Let’s analyze in detail the advantages and, of course, also the disadvantages that you will have to consider before deciding to develop a Native App:


  1. Performance: using the Native Programming Language of the device for which it has been designed, a Native App will exploit the maximum of all the potentialities and all the functions of the device on which it will be installed, reaching super performances. These performances will be significant when you need to implement advanced graphic and animation features.
  2. Possibility to store data locally: data are synchronized with the server only when there are changes, so the opening of the application and its use are almost immediate.
  3. Increased security: the marketplaces approve the Apps; they are free of bugs, free of dangerous parts of code, and respect the guidelines of the respective marketplaces.
  4. Support: unlike Cross-platform Apps, developer support is provided directly by the developer.
  5. Native Libraries: use of widget libraries explicitly developed for the programming platform used
  6. Can be used off-line
  7. Access to device functionality: camera, microphone, GPS, accelerometer, etc.


  1. The main disadvantage of native apps is in terms of development time and costs.
  2. You’ll face the need to develop different codebases, each made specifically for the device on which you want to make your application available. This operation takes time, and consequently, the maintenance costs will increase.

To make the best decision, we recommend this article (link)

Some examples Native App:

Many well-known brands have created Native Apps; this is a shortlist:

CiCi Solutions - Native App Development - Waze App


Waze is a GPS navigation software.
Works on smartphones and tablets with GPS support.
Helps users navigate by providing turn-by-turn information, route details, and user-submitted travel times.
Data Integration with Google Assistant
Allow user's customization
Allow users to schedule and take note of their drives

CiCi Solutions - Native App Development - Pokemon GO App


Pokemon Go is an AR mobile game.
The game turns the real world into a game map.
The idea of this native app example is to encourage people to travel around the real world.
Allow access to GPS
Integrate AR technology
Available in 114 countries

CiCi Solutions - Native App Development - Spotify App


Spotify is a digital music service hub that universally gives users access to thousands of songs and podcasts from record labels and media companies.
Develop a library as storage of downloaded songs/podcasts
Integrate Spotify Radio
Users can follow their favorite artists and friends
Sort and filter support

CiCi Solutions - Native App Development - WhatsApp


WhatsApp is a commonly-used messaging service and has developed as a native app for iOs and Android phones.
Voice/ video calls
voice messaging
Group function
End-to-end encryption
Media sharing,
Advanced search feature

Our competencies:

Media Expertise

  • Live streaming and OTT delivery
  • Video processing
  • Content delivery networks
  • Web RTC, FFMPEG, Wowza, DRM

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

  • Learning algorithms recognize user activities
  • Artificial neural networks
  • NLP software development
  • Azure ML, Google Cloud Prediction, TensorFlow.


  • Protocols: NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, IPv6 over LoWPAN
  • Communication security (TLS, DTLS) and data encryption
  • Artik Module, Raspberry Pi, Arduino
  • AWS: Lambda, Kinesis, S3, SageMaker, Sumerian

Big Data

  • Big data architecture design
  • Apache Spark and Hadoop
  • HDFS, Hive, Pig, Impala, Oozie
  • EMR, Redshift

Computer Vision

  • Image Processing
  • Deep Learning OCR: Keras, with supervision
  • Face Recognition: auto face, LEM, facial morphology analysis
  • Face Detection: HOG, SVM OpenCV, Kairos, Luxand Face

Apple Resources

  • CarPlay, 3D Touch, Adaptivity App
  • Services: Apple Pay, HealthKit, HomeKit, CloudKit
  • Media and Web: MapKit JS, Live Photos, AVFoundation
  • Graphics and Games: ARKit, SceneKit, OpenGL

Google Resources

  • Architecture: Room, ViewModel, LiveData and Lifecycle
  • Media, and Web: media-compatible library, ExoPlayer, PWA
  • Graphics and Games: API Palette, Glide, OpenGL ES
  • Sensors, multi-window modes, conversational actions

What we can do togheter:

  • Understand what the key functions that your APP must have been
  • Define the functionalities and the graphical interface of your APP
  • Create different user interface prototype of your APP and evaluate which one to use
  • Write the necessary code for your APP
  • Prepare your APP for deployment
  • Make your APP available in the marketplaces you want to be present in

Contact Us

Do you need some additional information or want to start a project with us?
Please send us an inquiry​

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